So I'll get right to the point. As most of you know I work for 2 costumers who do movies and TV. They have 4 kids. Now we won't go into the insanity of that in its self. For those of you who don't know the motion picture industry, it is very on and off. So this makes my job on and off. They also work different hours then 9-5 which means I work different hours The common issue is that when you have work you work all the time, because after this job who knows how long it will be till the next one. So this is the position I am in. I need both, not just one, to have jobs. In this industry that is not easy. If either of them don't have a job I don't have a job. And there are breaks. Like this last summer. They weren't both working from the middle of April to the beginning of August. That's 3 1/2 months. Now they are great and keep me on retainer when they aren't working (because who else are they going to get to do my job for them???) but it is about half or less of what I normally make. But this means that I work ridiculous hours when they are both working. Lets take this week as an example, I work sunday night (I normally have this off) till 11pm. Then had to be back at work at 7:15am on monday, which was a 13 hour day. Tuesday was a start at 7am 9my normal time) and a 13 hour day as well. Wednesday was a day off for me. Then today I started at 6:30am. It will most likely be another 12 or 13 hour day. And the kids are sick.
I bow down to all parents when their kids fall ill. I don't know how you do it. I am barely making it through the day. It is hard enough those last few hours when they start getting sleepy and they really want their parents. But now that stage starts a lot earlier. and they get upset over everything. I go home every day with my ears ringing from there yelling and crying. My goal has gone from maintaining control to just making sure they don't die while I'm here. But I'm working. These long days are a mixed blessing. On one hand they completely kill me, but on the other hand I am working and bringing in money. And I know things are about to get a little hectic. One of my bosses is working on a show that's main actor got pregnant. So they are going on a break in a little more them a week. So that's 2 months up in the air. He will be starting again in December, but then I have no idea when his wife gets off her current job. You see the extra stress? I hope that they both get jobs with a maximum of 2 weeks off. But I know how this all works. I know it may be a while where I don't really have work. So I have to be happy for this time I have where I am working. Right? It's hard to remember that sometimes.
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