Thursday, December 15, 2011

A new Challange


First off I want to thank everyone for wishing me happy birthday. It was really amazing. My phone (which is connected to my facebook) was going off all day it was awesome! So thank you guys.

Second. I had a slight bombshell dropped on me today when I got to work. wanna hear it? well you don't have a choice I'm going to tell you. The children's aunt is moving on the 30th. This is the woman who trades off days with me. This is the woman who has made it possible for me to work only 4 days a week and have time off when I needed it. She is moving to Washington state. What this means for me is that as of the 3rd of January I will be working 5 days a week. No if's and's or but's. A full week. And you all know the hours I work. That would be 10 hours a day minimum. Most times closer to 12. This means between 50 and 60 hours a week. I am trying to deal with this calmly. I will be rational about it. I will not freak out. What I am going to do is ask for them to be sure of coming home 2 days a week at 5pm. This would mean a 10 hour day at least 2 days a week. On these 2 days I will either do yoga or work out with Jono. I will also have to cook enough for a whole week every weekend. As of late I have been cooking enough for a few days at most. I will need to get on top of my diet more and make things I can pack for lunches. I will also start planing now for my spa day in April. The job they are both on right now is going to keep them in work till sometime in March. After that it's all up in the air. They might even be moving up north. So I am going to take the work where I can get it. I may go crazy. I may cry at night. But I will work and make money and hopefully if everything goes as I hope I can go back to school full time soon. Maybe even next fall.

I have spent all day letting this sink in. I know full well they will drive me up the walls. But I hope to have enough structure at home to combat the craziness of work. But before all that is Christmas.

Do you all realize just how soon Christmas is? Have you done your shopping? Have you made your gifts? I haven't. I didn't realize till yesterday that it's less then 2 weeks away. Thankfully I have tomorrow off as well as only working Monday and Tuesday next week. So I will have this weekend and most of next week to make everything. And I do mean Everything. When I started to flip out about it Jono reminded me that I did the exact same thing last year and managed to get everything done in time. So I should be able to do it this time. But I think I am doing more gifts this year... it doesn't matter! I will get it done. I just might go a little crazy. Or crazy-er.

hugs&kisses & Christmas wishes

Friday, December 9, 2011

It's coming!!

Good Morning!
I have the day off and intend to use it. I have condensed, rewritten, revised, sorted, and tallied my Christmas gift list. I have realized that I have managed to give myself about 4 days worth of cooking to do. there are still nine people who I am stumped on. I have 39 people on my list and have had to split it into two lists. A list that of the ones I really need, and a list of ones I really want to. It's not money that makes the difference it's time. I'm not sure I have the time to make 5 stuffed animals. Needless to say it's all a bit stressful but in a good way. on top of all this my birthday is next week!

Now first off I have to say how sad I find it that as you get older birthdays mean less. I love birthdays. I think it's awesome I survived another year and I want others to think so too! I love everything about those old birthday parties you have when your young but no one wants to do that when your older. Most of the time you just get phone calls. Not nearly as fun as presents and cake. Unless you have an awesome fiance like I do! For my birthday (and yes it was early) I got a Keurig coffee maker! It's one of those single serving makers. But the cool thing is you can still use your own coffee in it. We had talked about getting one for a while since Jono doesn't really drink coffee and it wasn't really making sense for me to make a full pot of coffee just for myself. Yes I know you don't have to make a full pot even with the old coffee maker. The really cool thing about the new maker is that Keurig doesn't make their own cups (the little pre packed cups you put in the machine) So every other company that makes coffee or tea seems to make cups to fit it. Everyone from Starbucks to Celestial seasonings seems to have K-cups. It works great for us since I can make just my cup of coffee with my ground coffee in the morning and Jono can make a cup of tea with the pre-packed tea right after. The tea thing is great. I never remember to time how long the tea bag is supposed to stay in and the machine does it perfectly. No more bitter tea! I got it early since we found it on sale in a pack that came with 60 cups and the fill yourself cup. It's pretty awesome I gotta say.

Back to Christmas! If anyone has food concerns, can't have nuts, don't like spicy, love spicy, no sugar, likes chocolate, doesn't like chocolate, that kind of thing please tell me. Even if you think I know just let my know again. I'm a bit frazzled.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas cheer

Good morning!
I got up way to early for a weekend. But that's ok. I got to see Jono a bit before he left for work.
Winter seems meant for small idealistic moments. Take yesterday evening. I found myself sitting in the dining room with a cup of spiced apple cider listening to Slavic Choral music. I was writing up lists and address Christmas cards. It's moments like that which make me happy. The little ones. The ones where you pause what you are doing for a moment and realize how happy you are in the moment. Now I am sitting at that same table with a cup of coffee watching the fire across the room from me. I have my to do list in front of me and am calming deciding what order to do things in. these quite moments are the best for me. I like my mornings of quite when bella is sleeping curled up on the couch and I can drink my coffee and figure out my day. Its nice to start off the day centered.

I hope you are all getting into the spirit of the season with joy and happiness.