Thursday, September 15, 2011

the quite moments

Good Morning
I know that lately I have been talking a lot about stress. And I have been really stressed. But I don't want to talk about that today. I want to talk about the quite moments.
Yesterday was my mid-week day off with Jono. He still had training in the morning though. I went with and walked from the park where he trains one client to the starbuck near by. We have been so busy lately I haven't had a moment to just walk with Bella.
I love walking with Bella. I forget sometimes but it is really nice. When you can walk and listen to good music and watch the world go by it really puts everything in perspective. I sat at a table outside and watched the traffic go by and read. I love the sound of cars going by. To me it's the sound of blood rushing in the veins. It's the sound of the tide whooshing in and out. Everyone is rushing to or from somewhere. It makes you realize that your problems aren't that big. Your life isn't the only one that is out there and that actually no one really cares. To some this may make then feel small and insignificant. But to me it makes me realize that I don't need to worry so much. It calms me down. I realize that I'm actually really happy and I just need to let things go. What's the point of holding on to all this worry?  My life is good. It may not be exactly what I thought growing up would be like but it really is amazing. It makes me look at what I'm stressing about. I mean really? It's amazing that I am stressing about moving! I am choosing a new place to live with my little happy family. We aren't having to compromise too much on what we want. we are going to be able to live where we want to. I may not be working in the field I want to be in yet but I am working with kids and It really isn't that bad. I love them and they love me. My work is appreciated.  I know my job isn't easy, but really what job is these days. I have a lot of freedom, I can run errands if I need to with the kids. I am with someone who loves me and who I love back completely. We have a great little life with a great puppy. Life is good. I know that once the holidays come we will be able ot see family and have family come over. We live a comfortable life. Yes there is stress, but there is stress in everyone's life. This all comes into perspective when I sit and watch traffic go by. I guess I'm really an LA girl.

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