Saturday, September 24, 2011


Good morning!
It's fall. I know in some parts of the county it may not feel like it but right now in LA it does. Thank god for that. I normally hate the first chill of fall and the crisp morning air. But this year? not a problem. With cool weather it means I can cook to my hearts content. And I did!
As you know yesterday i talked about how I had big plans for the weekend. At least big plans in the kitchen. And I did it!
Yesterday I made; Felafels, a veggie salad, salsa, and a chocolate cake.  I didn't even plan on the salsa but I had leftover cilantro from the felafels and left over tomatoes from the salad.  Jono had said a few days ago that he wished we could find salsa like the one I make in a store bought form. So I made him some. I also went shopping since I had made the mistake of leaving my undies where Bella could get them and eat them. Over all I felt very accomplished. You know what helps? A book on tape. Really I can't tell you how useful it is when cooking alone. I don't like being in a silent house by myself. Some times I will turn on a nature show to have on while I cook, but this can get very distracting. So we have little speakers set up in the kitchen and I listen to stories while I cook. It works really well.


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