Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekend plans

Good Morning!
It's Monday again. It seems to have come much too quickly. Part of that is due to the fact that I worked last night. My bosses had a Emmy party to go to so I watched the kids last night. I left around 11pm and am back again at 7:20am. Not a lot of sleep. But I had big plans for last weekend. Not all turned out right though.

This past weekend was busy and calm. I know it sound confusing but I'm sure you all know what I mean. It was one of those weekends where you were busy for part and then lazy for the rest. Saturday was our busy day as it was our day off together. Saturday is market day (if we didn't make it to the market on Wednesday) Saturday was also the day I got my new phone. I can't tell you how excited I was to get it! I got a new iphone 4 and it's amazing. The amount of things I can do with it is amazing. But enough about my little love affair with my new phone. Now I have an Ipod and Iphone. Still trying ot figure out what to put on each of them. But Saturday was also the day we finally cooked the rabbit. We made it in the slow cooker. It worked out great. We made some bok choy to go with it. Sadly something about the rabbit didn't sit very well with either of us. But we had a nice sit down dinner together which we don't get the chance to do very often.

Sunday Jono had work as I decided to make Gnocchi. I went back to the market (I feel like I'm there so often!) and got potatoes. If you have never made Gnocchi be prepared. It takes a while. I boiled about 2 pounds of red potatoes (since I knew I would be able to use the rest of the bag later. we tend to eat the smaller potatoes more) Then I peeled them all. This takes a while. The recipe called for a ricer to mush up the potatoes, but since I didn't have one I used a fork. You can't get it as smooth this way. Then I rolled out the dough and cut it all up. I even rolled it over a fork to create the ridges. And then I made the mistake of putting them all together in a container. Bad idea! As of right now it is all back to a dough ball as they all merged as soon as they touched. I tried making some. I think I did something wrong. They were slightly slimy and didn't have very good texture. I also didn't have any sauce which may have something to do with it. But over all in the end 2 fails. I also made chocolate chip cookies and cooked them too long so they are crunchy rather then doughy the way I like. So now I have a batch of cookies that I don't really want to eat and a container of Gnocchi that I don't know what to do with. The nice part of making the Gnocchi was that A) I finally tried it, and B) I got to listen to one of my favorite books.

When I'm cooking I like to either have a nature show on or listen to a book on my Ipod. Jono and I always have at least one book on our Ipods. We listen to two main Authors. Either Elizabeth peters, a murder mystery set in Egypt around WW1. Its about a family of Egyptologists  from England. We both love these and have listened to all of them a few times. The other author is Terry Pratchett. If you have yet to read any of his books you should do that now! He is very funny. I have trouble getting into them when I am reading the actually book but I love listening to them. There are 38 Terry Pratchett books and 19 Elizabeth Peters. So we have a lot to listen to. Right now I am listening to a Terry Pratchett in the car and restarting the Elizabeth Peters books on my ipod.  It makes cooking alone much nicer.

Well here's the start of another week. Hopefully this week goes well. Now to find new recipes to make over the week!

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