Good morning all!
So the chill in the morning air is back again. Most years this would mean a frantic rush to do all the summer things I have yet to do. It would mean the rush to get everything I want to do done as soon as I can. Summer always meant freedom. It was the time of year to do what ever you wanted and to laze around all day. That's not how this past summer worked out. It was hot and full of stress. It was full of work. There was little free time and no place to relax outside our apartment. this past summer was spent waiting for Autumn. This year Autumn means more then other years. This year Autumn means moving. It means the next stage in our lives. It is going to be full of baking and cooking. It means a schedule with the kids. Autumn is full of Holidays and family get-togethers. Apple cider, hot toddies and Glogg. Soups, stews and roasts. Doesn't it sounds great? It does to me. It means lots of cuddling with the one I love.
So like I said it means moving. Now I've talked alot about this move and I'm sure some of you are getting tired of hearing about it. But it's not just the move I'm excited about. I'm most excited to be in our new place. I can't wait to be in a place that we can make our own. I can't wait to get a new place set up. I know the actual moving part is going to be stressful. We start looking in a few weeks and we are going to have to look sometimes while I have the kids. We had to do this last year and it does make things a little crazier. It's going to be a crazy month full of packing and looking. We learned a lot from the last move. Like label everything! we ended up with more furniture then we planed on taking because we didn't label anything. We also didn't have enough boxes and did everything in a rush. This time round we are doing it differently. I'm going to start packing some of our stuff as soon as we start looking. Since Jono doesn't have 2 days off next to each other I'm hoping we can move everything on his day off and then I can unpack and organize the next day. By Thanksgiving we should be in our new place. In time for the holidays!
If anyone has any helpful hints to make moving and looking easier I would love to hear them! We start the big search on the 1st!
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