Thursday, September 1, 2011

The First of September

Good Morning!

As I write this the twins are sitting on the other couch watching Dora and Ruby is curled up next to me. They both have cups of milk and I'm almost done with my first cup of coffee. Later we will all go outside to play and then have a dance party while I make the twins lunch and the older two after school snacks to bring with when I pick them up. Depending on who all is asleep when I get the older two we might go to the park for a while. If today is like the rest of the week has been I won't be off tonight till about 8pm. Making this another 13 hour day. You might notice how calmly I am saying all this. That's because I am calm about all of it. I have a job that pays well, not as well as it could but still good money. Jono is doing what he loves and getting more work all the time. Life is working out nicely. Not how I planed when I was sitting alone in my bedroom at my moms, but you can't plan everything. My days off really help as well. I have gotten the same days off as Jono now and it makes everything so much nicer. When we both have the day off we always try to cook dinner together. Sometimes we will go out for lunch while we are running errands and then make dinner later. Yesterday was just like this.

This was how yesterday turned out. We woke up around 8am. Jono had training so we all went with. We ran some errands and went to lunch. Now about this lunch. It was amazing. We went to a new place we hadn't tried before. We tend to get comfortable with a few places and then just rotate through them. But we decided that we would try this little place around the corner from his moms house. It's called Green Peas. As you all know I am trying to eat better and this was perfect. If you are ever in the area you should really try it. Very filling and you know you are doing something good for your body. Very good choice.
After lunch we took Bella to the park for a walk. It was really nice to just run around with her. We don't get a lot of time all together and it's really nice. It reminds me what I'm working so hard to have. When I'm working 13 hour days and the kids are fighting and yelling and the puppy is going nuts and biting them it's hard to think about why I should deal with it. But when I get days like yesterday it reminds me that I work that hard to be able to have days like that.

After Jono was done training for the day we went home. After relaxing for a few hours and going on a quick market trip we made dinner together. We also picked up cupcakes from Susie cakes. Last night was bison roast. It turned out really well. I really love cooking with Jono. We can each take different jobs and it all gets done and we have fun and get to spend time together. We ate dinner and watched "Little Nemo: Adventures in slumberland". If you haven't seen this movie you need to watch it now. Jono hadn't seen it. It was so much fun. It's an old kids movie. It can be kind of scary when your young but I always loved it. It was really nice.

I feel ready to takcle the month ahead. We have only one more month before we start looking for a new place. We have to be out by the end of november. Can't wait!
hope you all have a great week! 


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