Sunday, January 22, 2012

Busy Bumble Bee

Good Morning!
I know it's been a little while since I posted. Everything has just gotten so crazy busy around here. I'm adjusting to the new hours and it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Don't get me wrong it is a lot of work and long days but it's not killing me the way I thought it was going to. I've tried to keep my weekends busy to make up for the crazy weeks and it seems to be working. I went to the Long Beach aquarium last Saturday and Disneyland last Sunday. Both with my dear friend from HSU, Brian. I hadn't seen him in ages and it was really great to be able to hang out with him for the short time he was here. Last night I went to the Comedy Store on sunset to see one of my friends do stand-up. It was great! I didn't realize how much I miss all my friends till now. I get so caught up in my every day life that I don't have time to think about it. I'm hoping to get to see them all more.

In other news I got a Kindle! Just the smallest basic one but it's awesome! I am reading so much more now. I think in the past 3 weeks I have read around 10 books. That's more then I got to in the last 3 months. It really helps when I'm at work. I see now what all the hype was about. 

The only thing that hasn't been working out these past weeks is food. I haven't been cooking nearly enough to get me through the week. I just haven't been hungry at all. Does anyone else get that way? I just don't think about it till someone mentions it. Like Jono when he comes home from work and asks me what I ate that day, and I have to pause and try to think if I did eat anything. I know I can't let myself fall into a rut like this but it's hard to get out of. I'm sure I'll find something to get excited over again soon. The other hard thing is that I don't see Jono nearly as much. I work 12 hour a day Monday thru Friday and he works 12 hour days Saturday and Sunday. All that leaves us is the few hours between when we get off and when we have to go to bed. Not a lot of time at all. He has been making dinner for me during the week when he don't train late. I can't begin to tell you how nice it is to come home to dinner already in the oven.

hope everything is going well for all of you!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year

Good morning!
I have to say that the new year is bringing a lot of new challenges. This is what my hours were this past week; Monday- off, Tuesday-12hrs, Wednesday- 12.5hrs, Thursday- 12.5hrs, Friday- 14hrs. Yes that means that I worked about 51 hours in 4 days. Needless to say I was thrashed by Friday night. But the kids were really good all week. I have also realized that I really really need to pack meals for the whole day. To start this off right I did a huge market trip yesterday. I got things to make and a few frozen "omg I have no time to pack!" things. To start it all off right I made lamb meatballs yesterday. Very messy. But really good! I have frozen them so I can take them out and make them when I get home at night. I have realized that another issue that I hadn't thought of is eating when I get home from work. I am working on dishes that I can prep ahead of time and then have Jono do the last step or two after he finishes training for the day. I am planing on making Ragu today after I do yoga with Jane! I have really missed doing yoga and it will be really nice to start getting back in the habit again. It's not as easy to stay on top of things when I get really stressed and yoga really helps with that. Also it will get awesome to see Jane. The weekends are really all for me right now since Jono works 12 hours a day both Saturday and Sunday. I use it for prepping for the week ahead, cleaning and doing laundry, and relaxing. So far it's worked out great. As long as I do what I need to do before Monday the week should go as smoothy as I can make it. At least that's what I hope!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

So much to say!

Goodness it's been a while since I wrote anything. My only excuse is that I was really busy. Like really really busy. I guess if I just do this is order it will be clearer. So here it goes!
Lead up to Christmas
As I told you all I wanted to make all my presents to others. And as I said that was a lot of people. Here is a list of what I made. And yes I got it all done!
Chile de arbol puree
Chile de arbol salsa
Peanut Butter sauce
Hot Fudge sauce
Oven dried tomatoes
about 3 batches of Brownies
about 20 pairs of earrings 
It took forever! But it's all done. I managed to make enough to give to people I had only hoped to gift. It was a little crazy for a while there.
Then there was a ton of family events for Christmas over 4 days.
I had meant to write more about these things as they were happening but it didn't happen. Sorry!

So as I mentioned in my last post my work schedule has changed. I am trying to figure out just how to deal with the change mentally. I know I need to do this and I know I can it's just the how I need to figure out. Thankfully I truly do love these kids which makes it easier. I have realized that for me to deal with this change I am going to need to be extremely well organized. More so then I have ever been. Part of this is Making sure I have both lunches and dinners for a whole week set out and at least some part done. Any ideas?

I hope you all had a great Christmas!