Friday, September 30, 2011


Good morning!
As you see by the glazed expressions it's movie day. It makes being here till 11 last night a little easier.

So I want to talk about fashion. When you work with kids fashion goes out the window. I was never very good about fashion before and now it's just worse. My daily outfits are all pretty much the same. Tee shirts, jeans, converse, and if I need a jacket it has to be a light sweater that when I roll the sleeves up they stay. So 4 days a week I wear that. Not very fashion forward. So when I'm off I just want to wear something comfortable since I spend most of my time off running errands and cleaning. So I'm going to go to something about fashion this weekend. I'm going with Jane to a women's expo. Now I am not very girly at all. So It should be an interesting day.

Jono and I are trying to line up appointments to go look at different apartments on Saturday. We find about 6 new places to look at every day. I also have to start my weekend cooking list. No idea when I'm going to have time. But that won't stop me from trying!!

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