Good morning!
So you know how only yesterday I was talking about the touch and go of the movie industry? Well it is in full effect. One of my bosses quit her job. Now for some of you, you might think "well ok now what" but this has been coming. I have actually never seen her as down because of a job before. So for her I'm glad she quit. But I have to tell you that my stomach dropped when she told me. My first thought was "I'm out of work! we have to move soon! where are we going to make up the money?" This is what goes through my head, in some form, every time they come to the end of a job. Thankfully, and I really can't express how grateful I am, she starts a new job on Tuesday. So no long break. And with move out date looming up and the apartment hunt starting, and the mini heart attack I get from seeing some of the prices of places where we want to move to, I am really glad that she is starting work again so soon. But it does leave with a sudden 4 day weekend. Which I plan to use to the full.
This weekend I am going to cook. After the failure of last weekend in the kitchen I am going to try again. Jono and I do a "date night" once a week, when we can that is, and this week we decided to go out on Wednesday (sushi night) and do a at home date night on Saturday. These are our two night together, and we love to spend at least one of them cooking together. Sometimes we will watch a movie other times we will just sit and talk. Last week we knew exactly what we were going to make. That damn rabbit. But this week we haven't thought of anything yet.
I also did a big market trip on Wednesday with big plans on cooking 3 different recipes that keep well for lunches. We have been both trying to figure out this problem with both of us so busy we have trouble, well to be honest it's mainly me having the trouble, with making a lunch to take to work. Now I know some of you may ask 'why do you needo t bring a lunch? doesn't the family provide food while you are watching the kids?" and the answer is yes. If i don't mind eating cereal, their obsession at the moment, pasta, another constant, or toast. Now this is fine, and to tell the truth I eat that stuff a lot since I forget to bring a lunch pretty much every day, but when I'm trying to eat less bread stuffs it doesn't work out well. So I have been hunting for things that taste good at room temp, or tat taste better over a few days. I get bored with eating the same thing every day, a problem that Jono doesn't have in the least, So leftovers have to be good for me to take them every day. And I find that almost all food tastes better right after you make it then the next day or the day after that.We did manage to make, ok Jono was the one who actually cooked it, some chicken. Just a little bit of seasoning so it could be eaten plan and not too much that you couldn't add it to something else. Great idea right? Well we didn't make anything ot go with it. And I don't really want to eat just chicken every day. So I found 3 recipes to try. All are veggie based since that seems to be where I fall short when I grab something for lunch. Now I'm not going to tell you yet what I am going to try to make. After last weeks mess ups I want to hold off till I actually make them. Since as I said I had planed on making them on Wednesday and that never happened. So I well tell you all about how it goes once I actually make them. And maybe since I said here that I was goingo t make them I actually will this time. Before all the veggies go bad.
wish me luck!
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