Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Working out

Good Morning!
Ok so I have a confession to make. I hate working out. I will do anything I can to get out of it. I would rather clean the whole apartment by myself with a toothbrush then workout. That's actually my fall back plan every time. I clean instead. Good for the house but not for my health. Working out or sports were never part of my childhood. We did music and acting instead. Trying to get into working out is ridiculously hard. I'll go to the gym for maybe 2-3 weeks almost every day but then it's over. I just can't stay motivated. I never really cared about my lack of working out before but now that I live and with later marry a man who is all about working out and being healthy I realize how unhealthy my lifestyle is. I always have high hopes. And I really do try to get into it. I also don't really have the right clothes for it. The shoes I have make my toes go numb after 15-20 minutes working out. I don't know why. It doesn't matter how loose I tie them. So I have a new plan.

Now one of my main excuses is that I don't have time when I'm working. Well I'm going to try to work around that. I have drawn up a weekly outline that breaks down each day wither I'm working or not. That way I have no excuses. I am also going to print it up and post it all over the house so I can't get away from it. I am also going to do different things. I can't seem to always get to the gym (it is like 20 mins away) so I am going to do at home videos. I normally hates these as they make me feel stupid and they aren't very entertaining, but I need to get over that. I am also going to start going to yoga again. I had stoped because of money but it is something I like doing and will actually go to so that will be at least 2 workouts a week that I will do. I'll just have to budget for it. I always feel better afterwards and it helps with my stress levels while I'm working.

So that's the plan. I'm going to be working a lot more from now on. For the past 3-4 months I've been working a max of 2 days a week with short hours. Now they are back at work and I'm back to 11-13 hour days 4-5 days a week. I need to stay focused so I don't get annoyed at the kids, and I'm hoping that working out with help with that. I just hope it works!

Wish me luck! I'm going to need it. And if anyone has any ideas on how to make it more pleasant please let me in on them.


1 comment:

  1. Mattie,

    Whenever I have the feeling I should exercise, I just lie down until the feeling passes.
