Sunday, July 17, 2011

road trip update

Hello All!
So we made it to Colorado. We got in just at the end of the wedding ceremony.

We started out Thursday night at 11pm. Yes a little late to start a trip. We got to Las Vagas around 5:30 am. We went on to the Grand Canyon. It was absolutely beautiful. But our GPS hates us. It decided that we really wanted to go to Albuquerque. So around 6 am Saturday morning we were in Albuquerque. We really booked it to get to the wedding on time.

Now we are at my uncle Eric's place for at least a day or 2. After that drive my mom is a little unsure about the rest of our plans. Those of you who know my mom know that this is how she is. And we did a lot of driving.

The wedding was beautiful. I miss my sisters so much and it was great to get to see them. It was really fun and really laid back. Very much like how I would want to do my wedding. Very nice.

We have been having issues with the motor home. We haven't really used it before and we can't seem to get anything to work. The fridge doesn't seem to get cold at all so the food is going bad. We also can't get the stove to light so we haven't been able to cook anything. We are hoping that we can get everything to work while we are here before we take off again.

Wish us luck!



  1. I just looked at a map. Did your GPS think you were in Las Vegas, New Mexico and not Las Vegas, Nevada?

  2. All the food is going bad! That's awful!

    (come on, you knew I'd obviously be more worried about the food than anything else =p)

    I love you. Don't starve.

    You know who
