Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wedding road trip

Let me give you all a quick update on me. I have started work again. It's nice to be working again and not sitting at home so much. Also my sister is getting married! My half sister is living in Colorado and she is getting married this weekend. I haven't seen her in something like 5 years and I really miss her. But we have run into some issues getting there.
The original plan was to drive out with Jono and stay in a hotel (we booked it around 3 weeks ago) and then drive home sunday. Well thats not going to happen. At the moment his mother is not doing well money-wise. So we are helping her. To the tune of around $1,200 per month. So we don't have the money to both go. I can't tell you how sad and upset this made me. I really wanted Jono to meet my sister since I never get to see her I felt like this was our only chance. But it's just how things are right now. I just have to accept it. Something I'm not very good at. Working on it though.
Never fear though! I am still going to the wedding. How? With my mom! Now a while back my mom said that she was going to drive out there with my little sister Joey. And now I'm tagging along! So I get to go to the wedding without spending a ton. But even that has gotten complicated.
As of right now (our plans seem to change all the time) We are leaving tomorrow night. the reason we are leaving at night is becuase our ex-exchange student from sweden is coming for a visit. He gets in at 10 pm tomorrow night. And he is getting dragged on this adventure. So at 10 pm we leave LA. We will get to Las Vagas around 2-3. We are just going to drive though. Then we are stopping at St. George. We will go to the North Rim of the grand canyon Friday morning then drive to Denver. We should get into Denver late Friday night. My Uncle on my mother's side lives there so we will be visiting them. Saturday Joey and I will go to the wedding. Then we spend Sunday with my uncle. Monday morning we drive to Yellowstone.
Now I will pause here to explain how I am doing this and working. It turns out that they are going to put the kids in daycare for this week only. Since I'm out of town a few days. it turned out that they could only put them in for 5 days so I end up with the whole week off.  
Ok back to Yellowstone. My sister loves this place (I don't remember if I've ever been) so we are going to spend almost a whole day there. we will leave Yellowstone Tuesday evening. We are stopping in couer d' Alane for the night. Then driving along the Columbia river into Portland. We should be in Portland Wednesday night. We are going to stay in Portland Thursday and Friday. Saturday morning we are driving to Sacramento and stopping there. Sunday morning we are driving back home in time to pick my little brother up from the airport that night!
Sounds fun yes? It will be. My family is all about family if you know what I mean. We have family in Denver and in Portland. So a quick trip to a wedding turned into a road trip to see more family. It also turned into a 10 day trip. I am a little sad to be away from Jono for that length of time but it will be alright. It's going to be an interesting trip for sure. We are going in a small motor home (the kind with the bed over the driver cabin) that we borrowed from my aunt on my dad's side. Not only will we have 4 people in it but we are bringing my mother's greyhound as well. Who takes up as much room as another person would. I am also in charge of feeding people. No idea what I'm going to do. We aren't going to eat out a lot if at all. I also need to figure out a way to play books on tape/cd in the motor home. So I have a busy day ahead of me!

I will update as I can along the way and there will be many pictures to come!

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