Thursday, July 7, 2011


So within the past week I have gone to Disneyland two times. Now I know this may seem excessive to some (ok most) but for me it's not. I love Disneyland. I love Disney.  I know all the bad things and I don't care. Disneyland is the last place I have to really be a kid. It's the happiest place on earth! For me it's all about being a kid again. And I love it. I have an annual pass with no blackout dates so I can go whenever I want. And boy does that help.

(the one of the left is my fiance Jonathan "jono")

My life is about to get really busy again. It was nice to have a break but now my bosses are back and I go back to work later today. I always have mixed emotions about work. I love the kids. No matter what I say I truly love these kids. But at the same time they are a real handful. With little discipline and  no schedule at all it's not an easy job taking care of them. Also for what I do I should be paid more. I know the family pays me what they can though, so I can't really ask for a raise. Since the kids have been with their parents for 3 weeks solid they will be even harder to handle. I'm not looking forward to that part. It will be really nice to have something to do and to be getting paid again. I've been on minimum work for almost 3 months now, and it's kinda getting to me. I don't like having to depend on anyone, and I don't like how stressed that can make me and Jono. Sales it never easy and adding the stress of being the only one bringing in money doesn't help matters. But even that is getting better. He now has two clients outside the gym that he trains about 3 times a week each. He is finally able to really do what he loves. It will be easier for him once we move to a new place. Then he will have room to train in our place and not need to drive all over town to train. Only 5 months now. Not that we are counting or anything. Ok maybe we are. But it really is getting too much for us down here. And all the driving doesn't help. We both drive up to the westside (culver city at the lowest) at least once everyday.
We moved down here for my schooling (long beach state) but now it doesn't make as much sense. I only go to school 2 days a week while we are driving to west LA 7 days a week. Yes moving will mean a longer commute for me to get to school but with that only being 2 times a week it doesn't matter as much. We can't wait to move. Really really can't wait.

Well I will post some recipes next time (haven't really made anything worth mentioning after that chicken) Hope you are all doing well!!!


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