Well I'm at home now. It's been a crazy week. I've done a lot of driving and I got to say it's nice to be home again.
Now I'll recap our trip in order. It will help me remember this great adventure.
I worked and then packed. We picked up Viktor at the airpot around 10:30pm and started out. My mom drove most of the night.
We got to Las Vagas around 6am. We stopped to make breakfast and headed out again. We drove to the North Rim of the grand canyon. It was absolutely beautiful. We were only there for about two hours before we started off again. This is where things went a little off. We had been using our GPS (Susan), as this point Susan decided that we really wanted to go to New Mexico. I woke up around 3 am and found out we were heading to Albuquerque.
We got into Albuquerque around 6am. Thats when the gloves came off. We were trying to get to Lizzy's wedding before 4:30pm. It was a crazy drive. We managed to get to the wedding just as the ceremony ended. But we made it. Joey and I went to the party and my Mother and Viktor went to my uncle Eric's.
We went into Bolder. It is an amazing city. We went to a River nearby the city. Then we went back to my uncle's house. I got to cook with Patricia my aunt. She is from Peru and it was so much fun!I'll have to post the recipe we made another time though.
We drove to yellowstone. Joey really wanted to go. It was the first night I actually cooked. I had made pizza dough before I left, and we decided that we should try to cook them. Now we hadn't been able to get the oven working. So I was left with a fire pit that had a built-in grill. not ideal. But I made it work. I was pretty proud of myself. We made a few different ones.
I made pancakes on the fire. Again pretty proud of myself. We then went into the park and saw the geysers and lots of animals. It was one of the most beautiful places. We found another campground inside the park for the night. We went on a hike in the rain. Did you know that misquote’s get worse after the rain? Well now you know. We got eaten alive. Not as much fun. We managed to get the stove working that night and I made pasta.
We drove through Idaho on our way to Portland. Drove most of the day. Exciting uh.
We drove along the Columbia River and went on a little hike. We got into Portland around 1pm. We all decided to split up and spend about 3 hours in Portland while we waited for Sheri to get off work. Joey and I went to the food carts. They are not like ours. First off they don't move at all. Got to say they were pretty good though. Then we went to Voodoo doughnut. What a line! Pretty good. We went to Lake Oswago and had wine and cheese with aunt Diane, Byron and her boyfriend. Once Sheri got off work we drove to her place. We made dinner with Holly. I love visiting Sheri. She reminds me of my mom and is sooo much fun.
We drove back into portland. We had only gotten to spend about an hour in Powell's the day before so of corse we went back. For those of you who don't know, Powell's is the biggest bookstore ever. Maybe not but it is really big. It is a full city block square. You get a map at the front door so that you don't get lost. It has got to be one of my favorite places. And of corse joey's. That night we went out with Sheri.
Now a little aside about portland. I love it. I haven't been up in a long time. After this trip I am thinking about moving there. Now it's not a set thing just an idea. There is a lot that would have to change but I have to admit the idea of living up there is really tempting. And living near Sheri and the gang is definitely a perk.
We drove all day. We got home around 2:30am.
Home at last. It's been a crazy time and we had a lot of fun but now I have to come back to the real world and take care of everything I need to do.
Hope you all had a fun time!
Mattie, this trip sounds like a lot of fun and you learned how to cook pizza on a campfire. Cool! See you soon.