Thursday, October 13, 2011

Weekend Cooking

Good morning!
And it is a good morning. The sun is shining in a clear blue sky and the twins are playing in the backyard. I am sitting in the garage and listening to their laughter and music. It's that cool clear day that you know will heat up fast so you better get in a little chill while you can. As I sit here I am going through my weekend plans. They came together slowly and the next thing I knew I was planing to drive up to see my family. I can tell you that I am really excited.

Let me tell you a little back Baywood. Baywood is about 3-4 hour north of LA. I will always think of childhood when I go up there. It's quiet and calm and relaxing. There is nature everywhere and right on the bay. I love every moment I am there. This was a very last minute trip. I am driving up by myself in our new car (yay!) Saturday morning and driving home Sunday afternoon. Saturday night I am making dinner for my family Saturday night. I am excited about this. My grandmother's kitchen is always full of music and laughter and talking and love. I've only helped before never actually cooked. I've chopped and flipped and taken things out of ovens and tasted. But never actually cooked a meal. My family doesn't put any pressure on me about it but I am kinda nervous about it. It's a new kitchen to cook in and I will have family there. I think it will be amazing fun. I know no matter what my family will eat what I make, even if they spit it out later. It's like a run through for thanksgiving. I'm hoping to make something in that crazy mass of food and cooks and fun.
I'm also excited about the drive up. It's a drive I know well from years of going up there. I will be making it alone for I think the first time. I will have our new car and books to listen to. It will all be fun. I can't wait!
Of course because it's me I want to bring and make a ton of things for everyone up there. I already have dinner planed but I still have lunch and dessert to think about.


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