Good Morning!
The sun is out again in LA. It rained here yesterday. Through the rain we trekked up to the westside for more apartment hunting. We looked at 3 different places. One if them we loved the other 2 not so much. But I have to admit it was all a little stressful for me. Looking at so many places is mandatory if you want to be sure you have found a good place, but god does it take a long time. After a while all the rooms run together in my mind and I can't remember exactly how big this room or that was. It's all a lot of stress that I wasn't sure I even wanted to deal with. But then we had dinner.
Last night we had Oktoberfest at Jono's family's house. First let me clarify something. Jono as 2 families kind of. There is his biological family (his mom and brother) and then he has his other family. This is the Kecks. They live about 4 houses away from his mom and are pretty much family. So when I talk about doing things with Jono's family most times it's the Kecks. The Kecks have welcomed me more then I could have hoped for. They invite us over for holidays and are very supportive of us. I am more grateful then I can say to have them in our lives.
So back to dinner. We had been invited by Jono's brother (not the real one) at the last minute. Last minute as in I didn't have time to make anything. And we were given no information other then someone was cooking. no location till an hour before. So when we could no longer get a hold of his brother we just went over to his family's house. They had not been told we were coming but quickly put more chairs at the table and set out extra plates. That's the kind of people they are. Dinner was great. The food was amazing (as always at their house) and they are all really fun to hangout with. It really reminded me why we are doing all this searching. They were all excited that we will be moving back up near them so we can come over more often. To be able to go see them more often would be great. It makes all this running around and looking a lot easier when I remember what we will be able to do when we move. To see the people who are important to us more often would be great.
So I am once again excited to look and find the perfect place for us to live.
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