Hello all,
For those of you who have been reading the past few weeks you may have gotten the impression I was a little frantic. You would be right. I have felt that I haven't been able to get my balance lately. Between the uncertainty of my job and the whole ordeal of moving I've been feeling very off balance. At this point I don't feel as off balance, or I've just gotten used to it. But we got a big shock yesterday.
Jono's hours at the gym have been cut dramatically. He went from 5 days a week down to 2. I will admit I did have a small panic attack when he called to tell me. This is an issue but not as big as you may initially think. So let me tell you have I have decided to think about this.
This is great. Ok great may be a bit of an over statement but it is not bad. Now there are bad things about it, like the timing. The fact that we have given 30 day notice and are leaving our apartment by November 20th. The worry of having enough money to move into a place we like. But now let me tell you why I say it's great.
As some of you know Jono's job at the gym was selling memberships. He was not aloud to train any clients there at all. For all that I love about the man, he is not a salesman. He doesn't push people and is very up front and truthful about everything even the parts that won't help the sale. This was not the job he wanted. He wants to train. That's where his heart and passion are. So his goal was always to be able to train at the gym. Now he can. Some of the provisions to his cutback was that he got a raise and he can train at the gym. This not only gives him the time to take on more clients outside of the gym but he will get paid more per hour when he trains a client at the gym then he did doing sales. So as sudden and panicking as it was at first it is actually what Jono has been working towards this whole time. It just came a lot sooner and more suddenly then we expected. It also means we will have more time together. We will be able to see each other everyday for the most part. We will be able to have nice sit down dinner together again. I think this change will make everything more stable. He will now have time to do things at the apartment that he never had time for before. I'm very excited for him. And for us.
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