Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Good Morning!
Today I would like to talk about routine. We all have our own little routines we go through during the day. Some of us stick more closely to these and others just have loose ideas. I never really like routines before. I hated doing the same thing every day. If I did the same thing too many days in a row I would get upset about it, and have to change it. This was before I started working. I was never good at keeping to a routine. But this job makes me love routines so much more. Now when life or circumstances change my routine I get testy and tense. With the family I work for routine is a foreign word. The only thing that is the same almost every day is the time I have to get to work. When I get off fluctuates about 3-4 hours either way. Which kids I have can change and what I need to do with them changes. Each week is different. For example today. Today is Wednesday. Supposedly my day off. Not today. I was told at hour 12 of a 13 hour work day yesterday that I needed to work today. See what I mean? This week started with a 8 hour day (it wasn't supposed to be as of that morning but by 4 the mom had picked up all the kids so I was done) yesterday was a 12.75 hour day. And who knows how long today or the rest of the week will be. With Jono's new change in schedule even life at home has changed. It makes me very outsy. I have made little routines for myself to try to keep level. I wake up and make my lunch. I let the twins watch cartoons and play in the living room  in the morning. I drink my coffee ( I bring from home) and read my blogs, check my email, and write some. I leave about an hour early to get the kids at school and the twins start their nap on the way. I listen to KCRW in the car and sit in the parking lot at the school for about a half hour to an hour while I wait for the kids to get out. Once they get out that's where everything changes. I sometimes take them to the library. I drive around for a while to get the older two to nap ( doesn't always happen) and end up back at the house somewhere between 3-5. That's the end of anything I can predict. I try to keep the mornings as much the same as I can. I feel like it gives me a fighting chance to handle the rest of the day.

Here's another change to routine. I might, key word might, go see my family this weekend. I feel like a little weekend get away might help relax and calm me. It would also be better then sitting at home which is what I will do if I don't go. Since Jono works the whole weekend now I will be by myself all weekend. Doesn't sound like my ideal plan. But like I said it is all up in the air. I feel like my whole life is up in the air at the moment.



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