Monday, August 27, 2012

Moving Forward

Good Morning!
There's that crisp fall chill in the air this morning. I'm sure it will burn off but it is just a reminder that summer is almost gone and it's time to get back to work. The past month I have been training with my adopted mother-in-law to be at her daycare. It is about 3 houses down from where I live. Today I start full time. There are 12 kids. Some are babies and some are going to be leaving us next week for kindergarten. It's been a hectic crazy summer and I'm glad to feel the crisp air. I hope that things calm down now. I have been all over the place emotionally since the kids left but today I finally feel like I'm back on track. I'm working again as well as starting viola (on my own) again and picking up my Italian again. I'm figuring out my school stuff as much as I can. I have already started on Christmas presents.

I am more grateful then ever to have Jono. He has been such a help making sure I don't go too out of control this summer. We are started training again and I've started eating better again. He has helped keep me centered this summer when I was flipping out. Just having him as a strong constant has been amazing. I am so happy with the people in my life that I can take one or two bad ones.

The support I have gotten through this summer of ups and downs has been amazing. Thank you everyone. Now back to work!


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