Monday, September 10, 2012

Prep time!

Good morning!

                       (this is Emilia from daycare and one of the 3 week old puppies.)

Encase anyone missed it, it is now September. Do you know what that means? Well it means kids go back to school. It also means that if you are working with kids the holidays are coming. Halloween is next month and then there's thanksgiving, and then Christmas! It also means that if you plan on making a great deal of your Christmas presents you start now. So I have started. Slowly. Part of the issue is I have to remember what I gave people last year and not give them the same thing. One reason I like making everything. If I forget and give the same thing again it won't be exactly the same. I have 40 people on my list. I guess I like setting myself a challenge?

A question for all though. What books to you feel are must reads? Books that are referenced a lot in other books or in life. I am looking for a list of books that people feel a person should read in their lifetime. Now I'm not asking for what books to you think are Good. A book can be referenced a lot and not be a particularly good read. I want to read the most referenced books. The ones people expect you to have read.


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