So a lot has happened. The kids have moved. It was harder then I expected. The past 3 years everything I did has revolved around the kids. So to have it go from spending 60 hours a week with them to none is hard. I'm still adjusting. The biggest help has been family. I have been spending more time with the Kecks and Jono. It has been such a help. I have dinner with momma Mar monday and wednesday and dinner with the siblings, Amanda and Danny, once a week. It deffinately helps ground me some more. And speaking of ground....
In 4 days I leave for Japan!!! I've been planing and working on it for the past week. It's been crazy! I'm so excited. I really love these family vacations. We don't get to spend enough time together these days since Joey and I have moved out and Lars is so busy. So spending 10 days together will be a blast.
I'll let you guys know how it goes!
agh so jealous mattie! did you get my email of japan recs? have an incredible trip!!!