So as some of you know the family I have worked for the past 3 years is moving up north. This is happening in under 2 weeks. By the end of next week I will be out of a job for a while. Thankfully this is not for good. I will start working with my amazing adopted mother-in-law, who runs a daycare out of her home, in august. This is a huge change. Not only will it be different kids but the hours will be shorter, the pay less and the commute about a 2 minute walk, if I walk really slow. I'm actually really excited about the change. The past 3 years have been amazing but a lot of my life has had to be put on hold. I have been at the mercy of a family that had no idea what their plans were most of the time. I will not be working alone anymore. Meaning that if I start throwing up in the middle of the night I can call in sick, which I have been in terror of the past 3 years. I have been working 60+ hour weeks for so long now that a normal 30-40 hour a week job will give me a ton of time I haven't had. I can work and do errands on the same day. I will finally be able to get my life back on track. As amazing as this experience as been for me and as much as I have grown during this time I am happy to see it end. The amount of stress I have been dealing with is more then a normal job should give you. I am kinda sad to see them go since I have spent so much time with these kids and have really grown to love them a lot. It helps the transition though that I am going to be working with family and am going to have family around me a lot more. I'm also really excited to be able to get my schooling and everything else back on track. I am ready to move on. I'm ready to stop stressing out as much. I'm ready to have my own life again.
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