Monday, August 22, 2011


Good Morning!
It's Monday again! I know I shouldn't be so up beat on a Monday morning when I have work but I am. I had a great weekend and am fully rested. Let me give you a quick rundown of my weekend. Saturday morning Jono and I went to the famer's Market in Santa Monica. They have a really good one there every Wednesday and Saturday. I have been trying to get Jono to go with me for a while now and I was so happy that he went with me. We got a rabbit, beef liver, and some bison. I know quite a mix. Jono has to cook it though. I have no idea what to do with those things. So Wednesday dinner should be interesting. Later we went to My friend Heather's house for a BBQ and doggie playdate. We had a great night. It was nice to go out with Jono even if it was just to our friends house. But we really needed to get out. It had been a hard week. Sunday Jono had work. I made Pancakes! I had gotten the recipe for my Grandmother's pancakes. They are the best ever! After that I ran some more errands and picked up Joey for dinner. I made roast chicken for dinner. Lars came over and we had dinner and watched "Going Postal". It was so nice to have them over and spend some quality time with them. It was a great weekend. It was a great way to spend a weekend and get ready for the week.

Grandma Marti's Pancakes

Makes 10-12 pancakes

1   c flour
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 tsp baking powder
1   tsp salt
7/8 c milk
1   egg
1   tsp melted shortening (can substitute melted oil, butter or margarine)

Mix dry ingredients.  Mix milk, egg and shortening.  Add milk/egg mixture to dry ingredients. Stir until smooth. (May need more milk if too stiff.)  Spoon onto oiled griddle/pan.


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