Friday was Peanut Butter Pie day. This was in memory of a great food blogger who lost her husband to a heart attack suddenly. Now i didn't know this woman or her family but the impact this made on the food blogger community was emence. Everyone was making this pie in memory of him. It was truly amazing to see this show of support from people all over the world. Here is a list of all the blogs that made a peanut butter pie in honor of Mikey.
When something like this happens it really makes you think about what you have. You really start to think about those you love and those who have passed away. For me it really made me think about Jono, and where I am today. Where would I be if it wasn't for Jono? Who would I be if it wasn't for Jono? If I wasn't with Jono I would still be living at home. I would most likely be closer to being done with school but I would not be working. I would not have Bella. I would not have a car. I would not be the person I am today. I would not be as stressed but I also wouldn't be as happy. I have grown up so much since I met Jono. I have dealt with a lot more of life since I have been with him then I would have if I wasn't. I am independent now. That would not be the case if not for Jono. I would still be struggling with depression. Though I have had to deal with a lot more stress and hard times with Jono then I would have had he not come into my life it's worth it. I have found someone who loves every part of me and who helps me be a better person. I am leading a healthier lifestyle then I ever was before. I may not have gotten through as much school as I had hoped to by this time but I have done so much more with my life. I am finally taking school seriously for it's own sake not so that I won't be yelled at. Even though life isn't as easy as it used to be I feel so much better about myself and about who I am. Without Jono I wouldn't have this happiness. I wouldn't be as responsible as I am now. I am so happy that I have Jono. I never thought I would be in the position I am now.
I feel for those who have lost family and loved ones. I hope that Jennie and her daughters will feel all the love and support that is pouring out for them.
hugs and kisses
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