Monday, April 7, 2014

1 house full

Good morning!
It is a beautiful monday morning and the sun is shining in my window. I have work then class today but a little update is in order.

We have an attic dweller. That means that we now have 8 people living in the house with 2 frequent weekend visitors. We have filled every room and are now moved on to the attic and are looking into getting a shed out back. It is a house full of nonsense and music. In a way it's kinda crazy and in another way kind of amazing. There are some big personalities in the house and something is always happening it seems. My bedroom has become more and more of a sanctuary and you never know what will happen when you step out my door. You might go to get coffee and have to push a boy out of the way while he plucks the cactus spikes out of his tongue. You might try to make dinner and get caught up in a discussion of gangis kahn. Oh and I forgot the animals. There are 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 chickens will be joining for a little while soon. I think my mom dreams of having an empty nest at this point. We are running out of bathrooms though. It's not a party house and most of us are very intellectual so it works out fine it's just intense. like some crazy reality show where they throw a bunch of people into the same house to see what happens. Well we are going to see what happens.

Have a great day and don't forget to smile!

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