Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mother's day is on the way

hello. I hope all of you are doing well. This past week has been a bit of a craze fest. For one we (Jono and I) got a new (to us) car. This means that I am now driving a car that works a lot better and Jono is getting the gas mileage he needs. Even though the process was overly painful (mainly due to his mother being involved) the end result is pretty awesome. I am much happier with this arrangement then the one we had before. It was stressful and maddening but it's done now and all is well.

I have never been more grateful for the mothers in my life. For those of you who may not know this I have 3 mothers. How? Well I have my birth mom, Ana, I have my blood mother-in-law to be, Carolyn, and my adopted mother-in-law to be, Marlyn Keck. The first and the last help me deal with the middle one. It's not easy at all. While I am overjoyed to know I will spend the rest of my life with Jono his mother drives me up the wall. It has gotten to the point where any conversation I have with her that's longer then 2 minutes leaves me shaking with anger and the need to leave the house. Thankfully neither of my other mothers live far away. Marlyn actually lives only across the street and 3 houses down. When things get hard I can run over there and know I will be loved and listened to and fed. I know I can always go to my mom's house for a nice glass of wine and a relaxing chat on the balcony. These two women are who I am celebrating on mother's day. These women who are always doing something always engaged and always there with a smile and a hug. These women are never idle. They always have something going on be it craft or an adventure. They inspire me more then I will ever be able to express to them in words. I try all year long to show them though. Most of the things I bake? they end up in the hands of these two women. I rarely keep more then a few cookies or a few slices of cake for myself. When I have my craft stuff out I am always trying to think of what to make them. I am grateful every day to have them in my life. They show me that there is no excuse to be idle. There are so many things you can be doing with your time so don't sit around wasting it. They remind me to create. Anything really as long as it's something.  I can never see these women retiring. Not the leisurely retirement some people take. Maybe retiring from one thing and doing something else. But never just sitting around. There have been time when I've thought about wanting to quit working and just relax and the thought of the look on their faces if I did that gets me out of bed and back to work. I feel the mother's day is not enough. How can it be? So while I plan on doing something small on mothers day for these women, I also plan on spreading it out over the whole year. Because really, how can you say everything in a day?


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