Wednesday, January 4, 2012

So much to say!

Goodness it's been a while since I wrote anything. My only excuse is that I was really busy. Like really really busy. I guess if I just do this is order it will be clearer. So here it goes!
Lead up to Christmas
As I told you all I wanted to make all my presents to others. And as I said that was a lot of people. Here is a list of what I made. And yes I got it all done!
Chile de arbol puree
Chile de arbol salsa
Peanut Butter sauce
Hot Fudge sauce
Oven dried tomatoes
about 3 batches of Brownies
about 20 pairs of earrings 
It took forever! But it's all done. I managed to make enough to give to people I had only hoped to gift. It was a little crazy for a while there.
Then there was a ton of family events for Christmas over 4 days.
I had meant to write more about these things as they were happening but it didn't happen. Sorry!

So as I mentioned in my last post my work schedule has changed. I am trying to figure out just how to deal with the change mentally. I know I need to do this and I know I can it's just the how I need to figure out. Thankfully I truly do love these kids which makes it easier. I have realized that for me to deal with this change I am going to need to be extremely well organized. More so then I have ever been. Part of this is Making sure I have both lunches and dinners for a whole week set out and at least some part done. Any ideas?

I hope you all had a great Christmas!

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