Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year

Good morning!
I have to say that the new year is bringing a lot of new challenges. This is what my hours were this past week; Monday- off, Tuesday-12hrs, Wednesday- 12.5hrs, Thursday- 12.5hrs, Friday- 14hrs. Yes that means that I worked about 51 hours in 4 days. Needless to say I was thrashed by Friday night. But the kids were really good all week. I have also realized that I really really need to pack meals for the whole day. To start this off right I did a huge market trip yesterday. I got things to make and a few frozen "omg I have no time to pack!" things. To start it all off right I made lamb meatballs yesterday. Very messy. But really good! I have frozen them so I can take them out and make them when I get home at night. I have realized that another issue that I hadn't thought of is eating when I get home from work. I am working on dishes that I can prep ahead of time and then have Jono do the last step or two after he finishes training for the day. I am planing on making Ragu today after I do yoga with Jane! I have really missed doing yoga and it will be really nice to start getting back in the habit again. It's not as easy to stay on top of things when I get really stressed and yoga really helps with that. Also it will get awesome to see Jane. The weekends are really all for me right now since Jono works 12 hours a day both Saturday and Sunday. I use it for prepping for the week ahead, cleaning and doing laundry, and relaxing. So far it's worked out great. As long as I do what I need to do before Monday the week should go as smoothy as I can make it. At least that's what I hope!


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