Friday, December 9, 2011

It's coming!!

Good Morning!
I have the day off and intend to use it. I have condensed, rewritten, revised, sorted, and tallied my Christmas gift list. I have realized that I have managed to give myself about 4 days worth of cooking to do. there are still nine people who I am stumped on. I have 39 people on my list and have had to split it into two lists. A list that of the ones I really need, and a list of ones I really want to. It's not money that makes the difference it's time. I'm not sure I have the time to make 5 stuffed animals. Needless to say it's all a bit stressful but in a good way. on top of all this my birthday is next week!

Now first off I have to say how sad I find it that as you get older birthdays mean less. I love birthdays. I think it's awesome I survived another year and I want others to think so too! I love everything about those old birthday parties you have when your young but no one wants to do that when your older. Most of the time you just get phone calls. Not nearly as fun as presents and cake. Unless you have an awesome fiance like I do! For my birthday (and yes it was early) I got a Keurig coffee maker! It's one of those single serving makers. But the cool thing is you can still use your own coffee in it. We had talked about getting one for a while since Jono doesn't really drink coffee and it wasn't really making sense for me to make a full pot of coffee just for myself. Yes I know you don't have to make a full pot even with the old coffee maker. The really cool thing about the new maker is that Keurig doesn't make their own cups (the little pre packed cups you put in the machine) So every other company that makes coffee or tea seems to make cups to fit it. Everyone from Starbucks to Celestial seasonings seems to have K-cups. It works great for us since I can make just my cup of coffee with my ground coffee in the morning and Jono can make a cup of tea with the pre-packed tea right after. The tea thing is great. I never remember to time how long the tea bag is supposed to stay in and the machine does it perfectly. No more bitter tea! I got it early since we found it on sale in a pack that came with 60 cups and the fill yourself cup. It's pretty awesome I gotta say.

Back to Christmas! If anyone has food concerns, can't have nuts, don't like spicy, love spicy, no sugar, likes chocolate, doesn't like chocolate, that kind of thing please tell me. Even if you think I know just let my know again. I'm a bit frazzled.


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