Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas cheer

Good morning!
I got up way to early for a weekend. But that's ok. I got to see Jono a bit before he left for work.
Winter seems meant for small idealistic moments. Take yesterday evening. I found myself sitting in the dining room with a cup of spiced apple cider listening to Slavic Choral music. I was writing up lists and address Christmas cards. It's moments like that which make me happy. The little ones. The ones where you pause what you are doing for a moment and realize how happy you are in the moment. Now I am sitting at that same table with a cup of coffee watching the fire across the room from me. I have my to do list in front of me and am calming deciding what order to do things in. these quite moments are the best for me. I like my mornings of quite when bella is sleeping curled up on the couch and I can drink my coffee and figure out my day. Its nice to start off the day centered.

I hope you are all getting into the spirit of the season with joy and happiness.

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