Thursday, November 10, 2011


Good morning!
I know it's been a few days, ok a week, since I posted but life has been crazy! For those of you not aware Jono and I have to be completely moved out of our apartment by the 20th of this month. Those of you looking at a calender call see that is 10 days. 10 days. Now in these 10 days I am working 7 of those days. I am working 5 days a week right now and minimum 12 hours a day. Jono is working 12 hours on my only days off. Perfect schedule for moving right? I have asked my bosses to arrange a play date for the older 2 Wednesday or Friday next week. What ever day that turns out to be will be the day we move the furniture.  So I will be moving with the twins. I will also be packing with the kids. sounds like fun right?

I have been working ridiculous hours lately. The job my bosses are on runs long and is in the middle of shooting right now so they have longer hours. I have been working at least 12 hour days and by the time I get home I am completely drained. Thankfully I have an amazing fiance. I was hoping to get off a little early yesterday. I didn't end up getting off till 8:20 last night. I had planed on having dinner with Jono and having a little time to relax together before he went to his class at 7:30. Needless to say I was not happy to be driving home that late. I knew he would be at class till 9 and I would be lucky to say a sleepy goodnight to him before I completely fell asleep. I walked into the house pissed off and sad. As I came around the corner of the kitchen Jono was standing there with dinner made.
doesn't that look fantastic? I got to sit down with Jono and have an amazing dinner with a glass of wine in front of the fire while our puppy slept on the couch behind us. Jono had decided not to go to class when he found out I would be working so late. I have the most amazing fiance in the whole world! In the middle of this stress filled time it was so nice to sit down to a nice dinner and just relax. It was what I needed. I am so lucky.


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