Friday, June 24, 2011


I think I have solved my baking issues. Fisrt let me tell you what was happening.

Starting a little while ago anytime I would bake anything the whole place would fill with smoke. Now this didn't happen if I was roasting say chicken or potatoes just sweets. I was completely confused by it and cleaned the oven completely to try to solve it. I think I have figured out what was happening. When I moved I inherited a number of cookie sheets from my dad as well as other places. Some of these are no longer the nice silver color they once were but a dark copper color. I imagine that a lot of burnt things came off those. What I think has been happening is that when I used these the pans themselves were burning. Or what ever residue was left on them. I am now using my new newer ones and no smoke!!! yay!!!

Lemon is the word for the week. I am so excited that summer is here and with it tall glasses of ice cold lemonade. Along these lines I have been making shortbread (at least it's cruching and tastes like it) with a lemon glaze. It is like eating a glass of lemonade. not too sweet and not too over powering lemony. I'm going to try adding a bit of mint to the glaze as I have fallen in love with a lemonade with fresh crushed mint in it. I'm trying to replicate the taste. we'll see how it works.

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