Sorry for the long hiatus.
Last weekend I went to Chicago. It was amazing. It was my mother, my little sister (for a few days), and me. We were going to my cousin's wedding. That part was in a little place called Lake Geneva in Wisconsin. So you may ask why we were in Chicago, a full 1.4-2 hour drive away? Because my mother made the plans. If she has a chance to have more fun she will take it. It was a great idea.
Food was never a big thing for my mother. Hence my lack of interest till I was with Jono. So I was a bit worried my hard work with my health was going to go to hell in a hand basket. Thankfully was able to get regular meals. My grain intake was quite a bit higher then i was used to but we also walked at least 2 miles every day.
We did so much that I don't have room to talk about it all here. needless to say I had an amazing time.
As soon as I got back I was busy. My last 2 days of work for the next 3 weeks. One of my bosses is working on a show in Roade Island and the rest of the family is driving out to be with him for 3 weeks. So I'm out of a job for 3 weeks. Out of the kindness of my heart I offered to take in there 4-5 month old chihuahua. It may not have been my brightest moment. Thankfully my Bella get along just fine with their little Ruby. But she is not potty trained at all. Or trained at all period. She can jump and get out of anywhere we put her. But she is devoted to me. She follows me everywhere and naps on me or as close to me as she can get. She is kinda cute. I just have very little affection for her. She finds Jono completely scary and hides or cowers when he says anything to her. She also gets car sick. So things are going to be a bit hard for the next 3 weeks. I had hoped for a nice break before they get back and both start working full time again. Oh well.
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