Monday, May 9, 2011

New Orleans

Good morning!
It is a beautiful day in LA. I'm sitting outside watching the kids play. It feels like summer. speaking of summer...
As some of you know the family I work for works in the movie biz. They are costumers for both film and tv. This means that their schedule and therefore my schedule are subject to change week to week or even day to day.   Right now that means that I have an easy week since the mother is not working. But she starts work next week. And this also means that they go on location at times. This new job takes them on location. to New Orleans. This means that if I want to work I go to New Orleans. Now this may sound like a great windfall. Those who are paying attention will also realize that this means I will be living with Kat, Joe, and all 4 kids for 3 weeks. Needless to say I'm a tad leery of this whole idea. But I need the work. I have no idea how this is going to turn out or even when this is happening. It should be interesting. Bot right now I just need to get through finals. That's all.

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