Friday, May 20, 2011

finals and some new recipies

 I can't even begin to tell you all how happy I am to have summer now. It may not seem like much since I still have work and all the other stresses that come from living on your own, but let me tell you, not having school is really nice. This is my first day of wonderful summer. I plan on keeping busy. For starters I am taking my health seriously. Now i know some of you may be laughing at that. I completely agree. If I was not with such an amazing man I wouldn't be. But since we are going to be spending the rest of our lives together and he is big on health I have nowhere to hide. So healthy it is. For starters I am not good with vegetables. Like maybe once over few days, and even then covered in something. But I started off right. yesterday i made an amazing salad. i had a veggie patty to go with it. And I didn't have any chocolate after! Not that I'm out of chocolate. I have truffles in the freezer as well as a few chocolate bars, a rainbow cake in the fridge, and some chocolate chip cookies in the cupboard. So definitely not out of chocolate.
Before I finished my finals I had a great tuesday night out. On tuesdays I go to yoga with my dear friend Jane. We have it worked out that we can go to dinner after yoga. The class we take is at YAS . The 6 pm class. After that we go to the food trucks. If you are ever in Santa Monica near Main st. tuesday nights this is something you should try. On the corner of Main and Ocean Park they have a food truck gathering. Different trucks come each time and there are always at least 7 of them. Last tuesday I went with my amazing little brother. We had grilled cheese with mac and cheese and ribs from the the grilled cheese truck. Amazing. I know it sounds odd but it was really good. I've had great food at these gatherings every time.

Over all this week has been really great. I'm looking forward to a weekend at home so I can really get everything going. I have a ton of recipies I want to try and hopefully I can get to most of them. The sun is shining and the skies are blue!

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