Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cookies, Cake and Spring

If you haven't noticed Spring is here. Isn't it amazing?! In LA it is bright and sunny and perfect. I've been having a great week so far. I am still dealing with on going issues with my mother-in-law-to-be, but I have reached a point of "what will be will be", which makes it all a lot easier to deal with. SO with this in mind I baked cookies. Perfect Chocolate chunk cookies with sea salt. Doesn't that sound amazing? They are.
I also made Flourless Chocolate cake. It was another recipe out of my new cook book and it turned out amazing! So good that I was caught in bed with a slice last night by my Fiance/Trainer. There were raised eyebrows, foot taping, and promises of undying love and then more promises to work out extra heard today. It was a close call let me tell you.  Needless to say next time I need to make sure I remember what time he gets home from work. I also tucked two small slices away in my bag for lunch today. I was sneaking nibbles in the front seat while driving them around.

Spring also means Farmers Markets time. Jono has started going with me to these and we make a nice little trip out of it. I've fallen in love with salad greens from farmers markets. The crisp and tart and slightly spicy mixes you can make yourself out of big bins of lettuce leaves. With a light vinaigrette and some goat cheese they are perfect. It's time for light clean food. Cool and crisp. I am in need of bright flavors and simple food. I don't want to spend hours standing over the oven while the house gets hotter and more confining. It is time to be outside having a picnic.

I hope you all find yourselves outside soon. 


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