Good morning!
So I have something very exciting to tell you all. I got a Kitchenaid mixer! It was a surprise to me too. My mom got me one out of nowhere and then Jono exchanged it for the biggest one they make. So it was about half and half. I wouldn't have gotten one at all if not for my awesome mommy! So now I have a huge powerful mixer that can do anything! Ok maybe not anything but almost. There are so many things I want to make I don't know where to start. I have read up on it and it says not to start with a heavy dough like bread. So cookies and cakes are first. It's so exciting. I just don't know what to make first!
Other then that excitement Not a lot as happened in my life. Oh there are little things that happen every day but nothing life changing. It's been hard getting used to the new hours and I am becoming a lot closer to the kids every day. It's going to be very hard when/if they move. I feel less like a nanny now and more like a second mom. When you spend upwards of 61 hours a week taking care of kids they become almost yours. They take up my every waking moment monday thru friday. It's been balanced out nicely now with my weekends with Jono. We have been more social lately since we are able to get more time together we don't mind sharing our time with others. Before we had so little time together we wanted it to just be us for the little time we had.
I have also been reading a lot more. I thought I didn't really need a kindle since I wasn't really reading that much. But it turns out I wasn't reading as much because I didn't have a kindle. I've been reading almost constantly. I've lost track of how many books I've read since I got it. It's all "fluff" books so nothing too deep and all quick reads but it makes the days go past faster. I can read while the kids play or while they nap. Once I have a little more off time I can read something that takes a little more work to read through.
I hope you all are having a lot of fun and happiness.
You should get some egg whites and just let that puppy whirl and whirl! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!