Saturday, April 30, 2011


I hope you all are doing well. I have to admit that I have not done much this weekend. I have a lot to do (don't I always?) and none has gotten done. It's the end of the month meaning that rent is due soon and money is short. My bosses are out of town and I have no idea if i will have a job when they get back. Thats the trouble with working with people in the movie entertainment industry. Thankfully I have an amazing man in my life so it's not a huge worry. Also finals are coming and I have a huge paper due.

One thing I have done so far this weekend is realize that i can not for the life of me make a drinkable mojito. not at all. trying 3 times with all fresh ingredients and all failed. This is extremely sad since I have been craving one since we got back from palm desert. One of Jono's brother's in law made them there and it was amazing. We have also been doing a little look into moving again. Our lease is up in November and we would both really like to move from this place.

Hopefully I will get more done tomorrow and at least not waste the entire weekend. Hopefully.


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